
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai – Ep 11




Shiori wakes up early and goes to various places and prepares to make a stand at the library to protect the books from being disposed. Shiori arrives at the library and starts locking the doors once inside and blockades the door with desk and leaves a note informing that she is against the media room. The Library Committee comes across Shiori’s message when they try to unsuccessfully get in. The committee chairman starts pounding on the door and demanding Shiori to open the door. Keima and Elcea look onwards at the scene and Elcea wonders why Shiori would lock herself in the library, but Keima tells her there were telltale signs that this was going to happen.

Keima has Elcea help him to the roof of the library; meanwhile inside Shiori starts daydreaming of a time when she was younger and unable to speak up for herself when she was suspected of breaking a vase, she then remembers when she first came across the library when she decided to ditch class because she felt embarrassed about coming in late. All of a sudden, Shiori is woken from her daydream by a loud noise. When she goes to inspect the cause of the noise she comes across the noise, she finds Keima who tells her that he supports her. Shiori brings Keima to her little base made of books and Keima starts playing his PFP, Shiori offers Keima tea. Shiori starts wondering why Keima is here and starts procrastinating about what to talk to Keima about. Shiori starts to remember how hard it was to communicate with others in the past, and accidentally asks if no one will understand her if she’s quiet out loud. Shiori catches this and starts acting all embarrassed. All of a sudden the lights go out due to the Library Committee cutting off the electricity in order to reset the passwords, and a pile of books fall on Shiori and Keima.

As Shiori and Keima are buried under books, Keima comments that the real world is annoying and wishes that it’d leave him alone. Shiori agrees and feels that Keima understands her. Shiori comments to Keima that she wishes she can live in the library in peace. Keima calls her a liar and tells her that she really wants to talk with others, but is scared of being hated. Shiori retorts saying that everyone is like that, even Keima. Keima tells her that he couldn’t care less about the real world because he has a world he believes in, and asks Shiori if she’s really only protecting the books or if she’s protecting her sanctuary from the outside world. Shiori protests, but gradually realizes that all she really wanted was to be able to talk with others, but feels it’s too late now. Shiori gets all depressed and restates that it’s scary outside and people are scary, and that she’s not brave enough.

Keima reaches his hand out to Shiori and pulls her out of the pile of books, and tells her that he’ll give her courage and kisses her. The runaway spirit is released from Shiori and Elcea captures it.  In the aftermath Shiori apologizes for locking herself in, but states that she’s against the disposal of the books. The committee members are surprised to see Shiori express herself and agree, but tell her the media room isn’t up for debate. Shiori happily agrees and takes a sip of tea. Something suddenly pops into Shiori’s head and she asks if there was anyone else in the library besides her.

Ever since then, Shiori has started writing a story based on the faint memories she had that day; using the faint memories she has of the person with her as a model for the main character, but comments that there are a lot of embarrassing parts.


This episode covers episode 15 and 16 in the manga. It was really well done too! I felt they made good use of the opening song “God Only Knows”, from the beginning of the episode to the later part of the episode. It just felt right.  For this arc, I felt it translated well into an anime, since I think Hanazawa Kana did a great job as Shiori and her reactions and voice just added to Shiori’s cuteness when she was flustered or embarrassed. I gotta say Shiori was so darn cute when she’s embarrassed! When they were showing how Shiori had trouble speaking with others because it’s scary, it reminded of how right she is. At least for like-minded people, I remember debating whether or not to go to a class I was late for because it’s embarrassing to have all that attention on you because you’re late, and for some people they’d rather be absent than late. In another sense, it’s just a symptom away from being/becoming a hikkikomori. Well, next episodes the last, and despite the picture of Yokkun in the preview, she will not be making an appearance.

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