Archive for March, 2009


Valkyria Chronicles Promo Video




Okay, I need to say that I’m really looking forward to this anime!!!! I love the fact that the cast from the game (except for the seiyūs for Largo and Rosie) are reprising their roles. The promo just gives a little peek at what looks like the first episode and the setting of the series. There’s about 23 episodes in the game technically, so in terms of pacing I’m hoping that means good to faithful following of the original material because the original material is good. I’ve played the game, beat it and am playing it again on hard; and yes I am crossing my fingers for us North Americans to get the DLC for the game. I am a little sad to see that the original seiyūs for Largo and Rosie won’t be in the anime, but Kenji Nomura and Junko Minagawa do good work and their voices would suit the characters so it’s not a huge deal (though the obsessive compulsive part of my personality begs to differ, but the reasonable/rational side is keeping it in check). In either, I’ll most likely blog Valkyria and I’m hoping we get to see some of the bonus parts of the storyline as well as the main storyline, and I hope they keep faithful to the material and I am really looking forward to (and saving up for) the Valkyria Chronicles Development Artworks coming out towards the end of April in Japan.


Source material found at Kotaku:


Bought Da Capo and I’m Aiming for a Kotori Ending!!!

This is the scene that starts off Da Capo in my mind

This is the scene that starts off Da Capo in my mind

This post is a little late, but right before I started Spring Break I bought Da Capo from and started playing. I’m still in the begining parts of the game, but I’ve already decided to do Kotori’s ending first. I’ve heard a little about how her scenario goes, but I still want to; I mean, it’s Kotori dammit, the school idol, and I already have a T-shirt that says the same. In either case, I’ll be blogging my progress as I go along. In either case I’ll be blogging my first scenario by summer since it’s a relatively long game and I just got back to school, so please be patient.

Here’s the opening video by the way, and if you want to support Circus and Da Capo, please buy the game!!!! remember what I said here?


Comptiq April 2009 Issue


Cover this time features the duet of Konata and Kagami

Cover this time features the duet of Konata and Kagami


Well, the first thing I’ll comment on this issue is this picture here:

Would've been nice if they dressed up Miyuki to look a little like Sheryl

Would've been nice if they dressed up Miyuki to look a little like Sheryl

The only thing I can really read on this is Lucky Star: Lucky On Stage, but that and the picture should be enough to give you an idea. While I love the picture, it would’ve been nice to have the full cast, but I suppose there’s the issue of room.


The first image on your left there are some pictures from the Lucky Star event, there was a signing, and some of the seiyūs were there too. Next image is of the Kagami figure included in the April issue of CompAce. Now the right picture has something interesting, anyone notice it? They will be selling a Kagabu plushie, that’s right a Kagami-as-a-pig plushie!!! I have mixed feelings on it, it’s a simple idea and I love it, but my wallet’s a little low and I know it’s not going to be cheap; particularly for us non-Japanese residents that’ll need to import it.

The extra for this issue is a figurine of Konata! Might be a little hard to see it, but the quality and detail of this figure is pretty high; the background you see on your right there is from the March Issue of Comptiq and I assume they are doing a similar thing with the Kagami figure.

Also this month there’s a Weiss Schwarz card game promo card of Kagami which can be seen on the upper left of the image above. Tsukasa comes in the April issue of CompAce.

Soon to be released, we have a PVC figure of Konata and her mom; which I believe to make a great set and a great gift for the otaku mom for mother’s day coming up in a few months. 


Now, for the Akane-iro Ni Somaru Saka fans out there:


First of all, they couldn’t have picked a better picture to open with; second, Akane-iro No Somaru Saka OVA coming out, and we got  a few sneak peeks at it. As you can tell from the images, nothing terribly interesting happens which is a trend for a lot of OVAs (ie. Hayate no Gotoku). At very least (at least for me) we get to see maid-mode Ren-Ren.


That’s really all for now, well till the next post then.


Comptiq March 2009 Issue: Pt 2 The Swag

Hello, here’s part 2 of my little overview of the March 2009 Comptiq Issue. The goodies for this time includes a set of Lucky Star Pencils. 


the packaging

the packaging



the pencils

the pencils


They’re like fortune pencils, but it’s kind of a shame to use them; they just look so nice. It’s a shame to break up the set, but I did make something equivalent to a promise to give some of these to some friends. Since I am breaking up the set I do have Akira free and I’m considering raffling it off if anyone’s interested in it. Problem is I don’t have a 100% random one of choosing someone so if someone gives a good suggestion or if we go by a first come first serve………well I guess I’ll decide on it based on the response I receive. In any case I do realize the irony of giving out the Akira as these are fortune telling pencils that are only useful for fortune telling as a set. I just find that when dealing with forces of the supernatural, that it’s best to seperate its power for no one man is capable of fully wielding it…………………..or something like that. Well I’m off to work on the next post.


Hajime no Ippo New Challenger Ep 12



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Dengeki Gs April 2009 Issue


Cover of this month's features Mai from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na

Cover of this month's features Mai from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na



The extra for this month is a mini figurine of Feena.



One of the features of this month is the making of the figure

As you can see here the process starts with the creation of the prototype using molding clay and wire for support. Then each individual piece is molded, then colored and the the details on the face are done using decals made from the computer. Then mass production happens. On the last page you can see the figurines for this month in Dengeki Gs and Dengeki Hime (post for this coming up) featuring Feena Schoolgirl ver. and Cynthia respectively, and next month in Gs and Hime Estel and Beach Feena respectively. I’m pretty impressed at the process it takes to make one of these figures and the fact that it probably happens fast since they’re doing 2  for this month then another 2 next month. Wonder what the value of the prototype is? Well I know it’s a little fast, but based on the 1 person who actually voted I’ll be handling magazine posts in mini batches with trying to keep relevant articles together and putting everything else with the main magazine post. I’ll post the rest up the stuff in this issue in relevant batches.


Comptiq March 2009 Issue

Once again, I got my order of magazines in. So without further ado, here’s the cover of Comptiq March 2009!!!


Cover of this month features Feena from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na

Cover of this month features Feena from Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na


I’m a little at a loss on how to handle the magazine sections now. So I’ll leave it you readers to decide; should I just go about putting up everything noteworthy in the magazine? Or should I just put up a few choice pictures, and leave other articles (ie. games, anime) specials in a serpate post? Obviously doing the latter will be a lot faster to do. You can vote on that on the poll to your right.

In any case, here’s a few articles of this month:

This month’s Lucky Star Pictures!! The figurine you see there of Konata is the bonus you get with the April issue (which I have and will post up later) The Kagami figure will be in the April issue of CompAce (which I’m unfortunately not subscribed to, time to start hunting down a couple of bookstores……)

As expected from the cover, one of the main articles for this month is about Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na -Moonlight Cradle, and the various scenarios for each girl is shown. I myself am interested in the scenario/pictures of Midori, Cynthia, Mia, Feena, and Estel.


Also this month there’s a small coverage on Circus’s new game Valkyrie Complex with a small character and story introduction, hopefully there’ll more full coverage in future issues of this or other magazine.

I’ll leave this post with these images of Gurren Lagaan Movie news update. I can’t really tell you the updates since I suck at reading kanji at the moment. The only thing I’ll comment on are the Gurren Lagaan fortune club figures on the right side. Those are fortune telling figures there! With each character assigned to a certain sign. I’m July 19 so I’m a cancer hope I get Viral or Kamina.


For the continuation of this post, I’ll wait til you readers decide how I should handle the magazine reviews for now.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Ep. 24(Final)

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Former Dorm mate is now a top Street Fighter IV player! It’s Okay to be Proud Right?!?

Hey boys and girls. I was looking into some old acquaintances recently, and low and behold I see that one of the guys that used to kick my ass in 3rd strike is now a top in Street Fighter 4! For those of you who keep tabs on whos who of Street Fighter 4 elite player, you may be familiar with Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez. I used to stay in the same dorm as that guy! Well for proof here’s a picture of all of us:


There's Ryan on the left, then there's Jermzlar there, then me, and the guy on the right is Mike or IronchefMik if any of you guys know him online.

There's Ryan "Gootecks" on the left, then there's Jermzlar there, then me, and the guy on the right is Mike or IronchefMik if any of you guys know him online.

It’s been a few years since this picture’s been taken so there’s some definate image changes for some of us. In any case I  was looking at this video on the Gamestop Street Fighter IV tournament which you can view here:

Street Fighter IV Tournament

Man, I knew he did well at EVO tournaments during the 3rd Strike years, but wow! I spent quite a bit of my freshman life getting my ass handed to me, getting a meager victory of 1 out of 20 tries. Chef (who is the one on the right in the picture) spent hours training to beat him, and got pretty good himself in the process, but never got as far as Ryan has. I personally in addition to not being one of the chosen few, just have too many peculiar behaviors to not make it big in Street Fighter it seems. During 3rd Strike, I just couldn’t do the whole parry thing, it went against my reflexive nature. At the time of impact I always press back to block, I suppose some would call it flinching, I agree with those people. With Street Fighter 4, let’s go with “making bad decisions” still don’t know what character I’m really good with. Started using Ken, and I got my first online victory after 5 losses with Gen. Well there’s one thing I do know though; While I may not have a lot of skill in Street Fighter, from what I’m aware of it seems I do have an acquintance with a Street Fighter IV cabinet in his home! And it’s high time I start paying visits to old friends and reconnect with old bonds!!!! Right!?!?! I mean should i be offered to play with his Street Fighter IV cabinet…. well it’d be plain rude to turn that down now wouldn’t it?


Hajime no Ippo New Challenger Ep 11

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