
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Season 2 – Ep 11



At Home Jun is lamenting over what happened in class, and loses track of time. She realizes that she’s running late for her wrestling match, and runs out the door. Outside of the stadium while Jun is in line, Keima has Elcea go over to look at her ticket. Inside the stadium when Jun gets to her seat, she sees Keima sitting there. It looks like Keima and Jun have the same ticket for the same seat and Jun assumes that the seat was double booked, but in actuality Keima had Elcea create a duplicate ticket using her Hagoromo. Jun decides to give the seat to Keima and gets up to look for another seat, but Keima stops her and tells her to share the seat with him since there won’t be any open seats. Jun tries to refuse, but once the match starts Jun sits down with Keima. Jun notes that it’s hard to focus on the match with Keima so close to her and wonders if Keima is bothered by it. As the wrestling match begins, Jun starts getting pumped, and Keima tells her that he’s surprised that professional wrestling could be so exciting. Jun comments that the referee and the audience all come together to make the wrestling match a success. Jun then grabs Keima and asks him why he doesn’t get it, and tells him that she worries about him so much and frantically asks him why he doesn’t respond to her efforts.

Jun tells Keima that she can’t do this alone, and asks him to work together with her. Keima asks her if that’s why the Basketball team fell apart, and this shocks Jun. Keima continues, stating that the Basketball team was ended by Jun. Jun asks Keima who he heart that from, but Keima tells her that it looks like the same thing is happening again and comments that another group of people are getting crushed by her ideals. Jun remembers how during her days in the Basketball Club, her teammates complained about being pushed too hard by her; even though she was doing it for their sake since they wanted to get stronger.  Jun tells Keima that she’s just trying hard for the club and everyone, but Keima really wonders if she was. Jun then starts yelling at Keima that he knows nothing about her and walks away.

The next day at school Jun proposes that the entire class run in the Maijima Marathon so they use the opportunity to bond and signs up on everyone’s behalf. The students aren’t too excited on the idea and tell Jun that she’s a little too serious. This gets to Jun and she wonders why she’s being treated like the bad guy again. She calls everyone selfish and runs out the door. The students are surprised and complain about getting yelled at by her, and Keima gets up and agrees that there’s no point in Jun even trying for a lazy class. As everyone’s directing their anger at Keima, Keima declares to himself that he can finally see the ending.

Everyone is abut to take out their frustrations on Keima, but he disappears with only a dummy sitting in his desk. Jun escapes tot eh abandoned Basketball Club locker room and pouts that everyone is blaming her when she’s only doing things for their sake. She opens up her old locker, and is shocked to find Keima inside. Keima asks her why she’s here when there should be nothing but painful memories here for her. Jun hits him and tells him that he made her screw up. Jun comments that things have changed since back then, and she became an ideal teacher after studying a lot and becoming an adult. Keima tells her that she still doesn’t understand anything and tells her that she’s still the same as back then. Jun tells him to stop it, and locks him in the locker.

Jun walks out, but Keima tells her that she’s still forcing her ideals on people. Jun asks him what she should do then, because she can’t do anything but her best, but the more she tries the more people leave her behind. Keima holds her and tells her that she just needs to reinforce her beliefs. He tells her to ignore what other people say and just do what she believes is right. Jun tells him that’s impossible because no one will follow her, but Keima tells her people will always question her ideals, but she has to continue with her beliefs despite that because she’s a teacher. Jun starts to blush, but Keima runs away before anything else can happen. The other students find Jun in the Basketball court and apologize to her. Jun wonders how everyone knew where she was, and it seems it was Elcea who told them. Keima instructed Elcea to count to 500 after Keima leaves the room and then tell the class to go find Jun.

Elcea tells Keima that she felt it was a little forced, but everyone came, but Keima tells her it wasn’t forced because an ideal ending is necessary for a world without an ideal reality. The next day is the end of Jun’s student teacher observation and she says goodbye to everyone. As she heads out of the school, she encounters Keima and tells him that she thought she wouldn’t see him again and tells him she wanted to apologize for thinking he was lonely and cold. Keima tells her to come back to visit, and Jun blushes and tells him that she’ll become a better teacher and come back here.  She continues telling Keima that that’s why this will be the last time she lets him see her as anything but a teacher and kisses him. Meanwhile Elcea is just remembering about the Runaway Spirit and sees it flying across the sky.


This episode covers chapters 40 and 41 of the manga. The ending was pretty standard for a teacher capture route. You got to hand it to Keima, as a student, aiming for older women is an uphill battle, and yet Keima was able to still pull off his “by-the-book” play style and “see the ending”. What is it about a kiss with a teacher under a tree that seems so cliche, yet so right? The reason for Jun’s gap is strange just because the answer was to have unwavering faith in her beliefs and it seemed like she had that to begin with. Maybe she just seemed to have confidence in herself, when in reality she was overcompensating? Omake pic this week has become one of my top favorites! If I’m not mistaken, I think the artist was Urushihara Satoshi , and it’s a fairly sexy picture of Jun in a provocative wrestling outfit! It’s a pretty provocative pic, and it’s got me thinking on all kinds of doujinshi scenarios, like a wrestler getting ready to “pin” her. Next episode seems to be a jump forward to chapter 75 of the manga. I suppose it makes sense since it’ll be the last episode of the season and they can’t start any arcs they can’t finish. So I guess we’ll see if there’s any surprises for us next episode. I’m hoping for a little peak of Diana/Tenri like how Haqua briefly popped up last season.

2 Responses to “Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Season 2 – Ep 11”

  1. June 24, 2011 at 4:42 am

    Janbo Tsuruma!

    Huh, I don’t remember Haqua popping up in the last season, but I’ll have to keep my eye out for Tenri. Though she isn’t my favorite Goddess, she is the first. Now… for Kanon-chan…

  2. 2 mangamaxx
    June 24, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    You’ll see Haqua at the very last few seconds of episode 12. I agree with you, more Kanon! She exactly the reason why I bought her album, Limited Edition version to boot! Loved the extras and I love the songs! I definately recommend it to any Kanon fan, and heck I’d recommend it to any fan of good idol music!

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