
Mayo Chiki – Episode 7





One hot day, Kinjirou comes home to see Subaru outside his house. Subaru gives Kinjiou something to drink and asks him to “run away with her”. Kinjirou is caught by surprise, but before he can respond he loses consciousness. Subaru apologizes to Kinjirou for drugging him, but tells him she can’t disobey an order from her master. As Subaru is holding Kinjirou, she wonders why she’s smells Meat and Potatoes and  a girlish scent from Kinjirou.

Kinjirou wakes up in a futon next to Kanade at a Onsen inn near the beach. Kanade brought Kinjirou because she ran away from home because her parents wanted to go overseas for vacation without asking her. So since she was already running away from home, Kanade thought she would take the opportunity to have a training camp for Kinjirou to get over his gynophobia, and already has a change of clothes prepared for Kinjirou by Kureha when Subaru and Kanade went to his house to ask for her help. Kanade asks Kinjirou if he’s curious as to why she and him were sharing the same bed and hints to him that it’s connected to the pretext to the trip and tells him that they’ve run away to this inn.

Kinjirou walks around the inn with Subaru and he’s greeted by owner of the inn, and learns that Kanade told them that he and Kanade had run away to the inn because they wanted to get married, but had family issues. Kinjirou asks Subaru why they’re at the inn, but Subaru is surprised that Kanade didn’t tell him. Kinjirou gets irritated that Kanade and Subaru are always hiding things from him, but Subaru accuses Kinjirou of the same thing and walks away.

Kanade, Subaru, and Kinjirou head to the beach and Subaru is dressed in the swimsuit Kanade chose for her. Kanade has Kinjirou put sun lotion on her back, and Subaru gets jealous and implies that she’ll bury Kinjirou in the sand or bash his head in with a spiked club. Kinjirou runs away and ends up at a seaside café where he meets Nakuru, Masamune, and Kureha; who ended up there after getting lost at sea during a Handicrafts Club training camp. Since their clothes and money were with their sempai, they didn’t have money so they’re working part-time at the café.

Subaru and Kanade come to the café, and Kinjirou has Subaru put on some glasses to disguise her, and Kanade introduces her as Subaru’s cousin, Takanshi Punyuru. Kinjirou is surprised to see that Kureha buys it, but Masamune simply believes that it’s just Subaru cross dressing. Masamune takes Kinjirou outside to talk, but catches Kanade easedropping. Kanade tells Masamune that Kinjirou is her fiancé, but Masamune doesn’t believe her and tells her that she and Kinjirou are close friends and tells her that she made Kinjirou meat and potatoes at her place. Subaru overhears this and runs away after she remembers how she smelled a girl’s scent and meat and potoates on Kinjirou before.

Kinjirou chases Subaru and Subaru believes that Kinjirou and Masamune are dating. Kinjirou corrects her and tells her that he didn’t want to tell her, but he went to Masamune’s to eat her cooking, and afterwards Masamune tried to help him with his gynophobia by touching him and he ended up getting felt up by Masamune. Subaru immediately punches Kinjirou, but her heart starts pounding for some reason. When Kinjirou and Subaru get back, they see Masamune begging Kanade to let her stay at the inn, all the while asking in an embarrassing pose. Kanade agrees (even though she was the one who told Masamune to beg) , and invites Kureha and Nakuru since it’ll be more fun with more people. Nagare shows up to bring Kanade and Subaru back home. Kanade and Subaru feign ignorance and pretend to not know who he is, but Kanade “recalls” that he’s Subaru’s father Nagare. Nagare is shocked and begs Subaru to stop playing around. Kanade tells Nagare to calm down, and tells him that it’s Subaru, but her cousin Punyu. “Subaru” threatens to call the police on him, and it’s too much for Nagare to take and he collapses. Kinjirou notices Subaru looking into the distance.



Looks like there’s some slight Kanade X Kinjirou development. Though it’s light, and only if you read between the lines. Considering Kanade’s personality, this is probably the closest she can get to telling Kinjirou that she likes him. Which is using him as an excuse to run away from home, by “eloping’ with him. There was some small development with Subaru as well, with Subaru getting jealous, and having her heart start pounding around Kinjirou. It looks like Kinjirou and Subaru’s relationship will take a huge step next episode since it deals with a subject close to Subaru. From the pacing of things, I’ll be hoping we’ll get a confession episode before we get to Episode 10.

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